alliance n. 1.同盟,联盟。 2.联姻。 3.同盟条约。 4.同盟者。 5.近似,共同点。 6.【植物;植物学】群落属。 a dual [triple, quadruple] alliance 二国[三国、四国]同盟。 an offensive and defensive alliance 攻守同盟。 enter into [form an] alliance with 与…联盟[结盟]。 in alliance with 与…联合。
The historical background of the treaty of alliance of wenxian county 温县盟书的历史背景
Ethics in treaty of alliance system and confucian faith theory 论盟誓制度的伦理与孔子信义学说的形成
After treaty of alliance was contracted , the long term peace of diplomacy of these two countries especially depended on mutual party to comply with every requirement needed on this contract sincerely , sung jen - tzung ' s effort in this repect is specially listed on this text 而订盟之后,两国长期的和平外交,尤须赖双方诚心遵守盟约中的各项约定,宋真宗在此方面的努力,本文也特别予以列举论述。